Why Math Needs Precedence?
Several times, I am asked this question, “Shastry Sir, why an exclusive app for Math?” And each time I am faced with this poser, my conviction that Math needs exclusive focus has only grown.
Mathematics is the bedrock of sciences. It is the pillar on which the fundamentals of physics and chemistry are built. A student joins engineering stream and he/ she has to study mathematics for the first 2 years in all the 4 semesters. Why? Because advanced Math is the language of the higher level science and technology.
Why just engineering or sciences? Microeconomics and econometric models require in-depth knowledge of mathematics.
You look at the new world of possibilities. Unless children are comfortable and enjoy dealing with numbers, it will be difficult to make them enjoy learning. Whether a student chooses biotechnology or computer science, it will be difficult to excel without a strong math base.
JEEMath’s mission is to convince the parents and the leaders at the school level, to create a conducive environment that enables facile learning of mathematics.
With India poised to lead the world through superior work force, a vibrant and strong math culture is the call of the future.
We are committed to playing our role in building this foundation.